Thursday, April 03, 2008

Introducing Cartoon Thursdays

I like cartoons - they're a great way to express an idea quickly, and they often insert much needed humor into a situation. Also, I have quite a few of them saved to my computer.

I've been meaning to start posting them for a while now, but always forgot. Plus, there was the question of making them a regular feature; would I post them whenever, on a certain day of the week, etc.? For the second option, logic would suggest Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, but I either forget, or I don't need the smile. Hence, Thursday; the weekend is almost here, but not close enough (I'm going to completely ignore all those who work for the government and have alternative leave schedules).
So here's the first edition of Cartoon Thursdays, featuring a two-for. My life currently feels like a combination of the two. Yay fun.

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